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Herb Lore

CAUTION it is inadvisable for anyone to use any herb in large quantities over a period of time without seeking medical advice to ensure it is safe. This is especially true for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding who should never use a herb without consolting a trained herbalist or doctor.


Agrimony is good for the digestive system, cuts bruises and throat problems. It is also effective for physic protection, to return negative energies to the sender and restful sleep. Use in protective sachets and as part of a sleep pillow for times when totally exhausted but you cannot rest.

A herb for healing for all aspects of life but especially the digestive organs, rheumatism and neuralgia. It is frequently burned as an incense to promote good luck.

Aloe Vera
Soothes wounds and burns and helps treat lack of appetite, bowel and menstrual problems. A protective plant it is popular in the house and brings luck and prosperity.

Believed to have cured plague in the middle ages, it is a natural energiser and is good for circulation adn respiratory problems. It is protective when worn as an amulet, and can be grown in the house or garden for protection. It is also believed to give long life and protection against illnes.

Anise (aniseed)
Calms the nervous system, releaves coughs and lung problems. A gentle herb excellent for skin problems. It protects against all negative influences, especially in the home, including external hostility and bad dreams.

Good for fevers and nausea. All over powers of rejuvenation and especially used to heal the young. Enhances all forms of new growth and so will restore fertility to gardens and areas of land that have been made barren.

A tree sacred to the Celts, used to cure ricketss, hernias or wounds that would not heal and toothache. The leaves and powder are very effective for all healing and endowing lasting good health.

Reduces stree and clears the mind. Can be used for menstrual problems and stomach disorders. It also repels harmful insects and encourages peaceful sleep.

Can be used for all digestive disorders, for stress and psychosomatic illness. It offers psychic protection adn will heal sorrow. It endows strength and endurance also.

Potent at relieving wounds of all kinds, also throat and mouth problems, especially when mixed with echinacea, myrrh and goldenseal. It aids fertility so can be carried by women who wish to become pregnant. Repels those who come to the home with malice or ill intent and also increases psychic awareness.

Good for lung problems and lowering temperatures and speeding recovery after illness. It was used in Roman times, infused in wine, to relieve depression and on its own to help rhuematism and weak hearts and to purify blood. It is a herb of courage and protection that can be used in sachets especially out of doors or in potentially hazardous places.

Relieves chronic skin conditions and rheumatism and restores balance to bodily energies. It supports the liver and kidneys especially when mixed with dandelion. Burdock deters negativity when used in amulets.

They are excellent for relieving toothpains, circulation problems, back and lung problems and nausea in pregnancy. As part of an amulet they protect against envy, malice and help the wearer learn new skills. They are also a natural aphrodisiac.

Perhaps the best herbal remedey for respiratory problems, also bronchitis, asthema. It also soothes the stomach and helps combat fluid retention problems. Traditionally used in love rituals and sachets and to induce peace of mind. It also offers protection to those who travel and horses.

Helps to clear obstructions and is good for the liver, spleen, gall bladder and kidneys. It also detoxifies the system and improves circulation. It promotes psychic awareness, and is commonly used in country love divination to answer questions over a lovers fidelity and intentions.

A herb for the well being of infants and nursing mothers, bringing ease and quiet sleep and helping lacation.

Echinacea (purple cornflower)
A natural antibiotic that triggers the immune system increasing the number of white cells produced and aids the functioning of the lymph glands. This all helps building up resistance in a person who has been ill or is physically vunerable. Echinacea is a herb of spiritual growth and awareness; it is used where alturism and idealism are to the fore, and promotes spiritual dreams.

Beloved of the Romany gypsies as a basis for different remedies, effective as an antiseptic and can be used to treat sprains, wounds, rheumatism, influenza, respiratory complaints, hay fever and sinusitis. Elder offers protection from hostility to the user, and to home from extremities of weather.

Elecampe (elfwort)
Effective against all coughs and respiratory complaints, especially in children. Associated with elves and faeries and a natural love charm potent in rituals and amulets. Protective against all forms of hostility and promotes psychic awareness.

From Roman times, this herb was renowned for its effects on courage, stamina and renewed strength and energy. It is good for reducing swelling and aids breastfeeding and easing an infants restlessness. Fennel brings protection from unwanted visitors and all forms of external hostility.

Much prized in the east, ginger is still used in China to aid potency and ensure long life. It warms the body, removes pain and boosts the immune system. It acts as a physical and emotional energiser.

Holy thistle
Is effective treating all kinds of liver complaints and counters loss of appetite and relieves menopasual symptons. It is mainly a protective herb, used to keep away negativity. It is an aid to any spiritual work and encourages alturism.

A gentle, safe yet powerful sedative, hops are also used in treating insomnia and nervous tension. Hops will calm the entire system and so can be used to control any internal problem caused by stress and skin problems with an emotional cause. As a protective herb, hops will drive away dark thoughts, doubts and fears.

Derived from the hebrew word esob, hyssop is mentioned many times in the Bible for its ability to cure illness. It is primarily a herb of purification and will help to banish sad thoughts and despair and leave a positive approach.

Juniper is a natural antiseptic and relieves digestion and inflammations. Juniper can be used to purify the home from past negative influences and future misfortune, especially at Yule. It also acts as an amulet against accidents and illness.

A natural antiseptic that helps to heal infected wounds, calms nerves and prevents anxiety. It relieves tendon problems and is good for general health. A herb used to increase emotional commitment and encourage fidelity, it can also be used to strengthen promises and any ritual involving knots.

Add to any healing sachet for its calming and restoritive properties. An anti-depressant, a natural sedative and a pain reliever. Lavender is a herb of love and helpful in any ritual using love as a focus.

Protects against internal and external infections. Increases positivity.

A powerful antiseptic with anti fungal and astringent properties. One of the oldest protective and purification herbs associated with healing of the mind and spirit as well as the body. A good herb to burn as incense for protection and healing, it is also good for spritual work.

Can be used for enriching the blood and helping all skin conditions. A divinatory herb, said to encourage sight, fertility. Is also gently protective against psychic attack.

An essential ingrediant in healing sachets and potent at fighting infections and viruses. Used in love rituals and to give meaningful prophetic dreams.

Rosemary (elfleaf)
Putting a small handful chopped in a muslin bag and adding to a bath is a medieval prescription for energy and clarity of thought. A herb of pretection it can drive away bad dreams also a herb of remembrance for those that are lost or away.

Called Herba sacra (holy herb) by the Romans and used by Egyptians to cure infertilty and Chinese to stimulate both Ying and Yang energies. Sage increases psychic awareness and allows glimpses of the past and future.

St John's wort
The golden herb of midsummer and the symbol of the Summer Solstice. Traditionally worn in battle to bring courage.

Said to aid recalling the past and looking into the future it also gives courage and strength. In a sleep pillow it drives away bad dreams and brings happier prophetic ones.

Lowers blood pressure and speeds healing of wounds. A herb of love said to keep a couple together for at least 7 years so can be used in love charms. It also repels hostility, and banishes fear.

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